
Passenger, SUV and Light Truck Commercial Truck, OTR and RV
Cassidy Tire & Services

Store Information

My Store

508 Winchester St. Keene, NH 03431

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My Store:

508 Winchester St Keene, NH 03431

M - F: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

(603) 357-333

Open Today

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
(123) 456-7890

Certified Rideshare Vehicle Inspections | Cassidy Tire

Rideshare and Vehicle Inspections

Chicago law requires rideshare drivers to inspect their vehicle every year. Cassidy Tire & Service is a rideshare approved partner with Chicago’s team of drivers, and makes it easy with 15 Chicagoland locations that can perform the necessary inspection. Cassidy offer rideshare vehicle owners the following benefits:

  • FREE Nitrogen fill with the purchase of a vehicle inspection
  • Discounts and specials on Tires and Maintenance Services
  • Convenient appointment scheduling

Schedule an appointment now and let our experts provide the necessary certification.

Schedule Appointment


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